Films on Saturday, February 16, 2013 , 2:43 PM
I've been watching a ton of movies as of lately. It's probably because I have nothing to do. I've been putting the word out there about my design website..but it's not really finished yet. I guess i'm just impatient. I know what I can do, and I know what I can do is good. I just want people to know about that. I'm really not trying to toot my own horn, but if you have something you're good at, and a dream, go after it! Do it. Do what makes you happy or you'll just be living paycheck to paycheck. It's not even really that also. It's just that no one does what they like to do anymore. They do what they feel is necessary to pay the bills. That's fine and dandy, but we as a generation have lost all hope in enjoyment. ..Anyways..I got off subject big time. Films. Yes. I have an idea that since I just got netflix and that I watch a lot of movies, I should add a section of film reviews. I'll hop on that later. I dyed my hair bright auburn. I had a dark colour at the ends where my hair hasn't grown back into it's original colour, so it turned more red than the bottom. I also had bleached my hair and that had turned a brassy caramel colour and it turned out red as well. I'm going to end this for now. I'll post pictures in a later blog post.

Hello! I'm Morgan. 20. From the Southeast. This blog is where I write about how I feel, adventures I take, and things I care about. These are the thoughts and words of an eccentric being.

candles.the vampire diaries.web/graphic design.magazines.Pinterest, Facebook, & WeHeartIt Hoar.Baking.Music.

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