Films on Saturday, February 16, 2013 , 2:43 PM
I've been watching a ton of movies as of lately. It's probably because I have nothing to do. I've been putting the word out there about my design website..but it's not really finished yet. I guess i'm just impatient. I know what I can do, and I know what I can do is good. I just want people to know about that. I'm really not trying to toot my own horn, but if you have something you're good at, and a dream, go after it! Do it. Do what makes you happy or you'll just be living paycheck to paycheck. It's not even really that also. It's just that no one does what they like to do anymore. They do what they feel is necessary to pay the bills. That's fine and dandy, but we as a generation have lost all hope in enjoyment. ..Anyways..I got off subject big time. Films. Yes. I have an idea that since I just got netflix and that I watch a lot of movies, I should add a section of film reviews. I'll hop on that later. I dyed my hair bright auburn. I had a dark colour at the ends where my hair hasn't grown back into it's original colour, so it turned more red than the bottom. I also had bleached my hair and that had turned a brassy caramel colour and it turned out red as well. I'm going to end this for now. I'll post pictures in a later blog post.

Fire and Ashe on Thursday, February 14, 2013 , 4:43 AM
In lieu of Valentine's Day I am going to post a blog that I love. I've killed two birds with one stone here because I actually love this blogger in real life. She's my sister, Leah, and I decided to do a shout out to her blog. Okay, short post but go check out her blog! It's in the advertisements in the sidebar. Happy Valentines Day <3 Morgan

Wanderlust on , 3:04 AM

I had a bit of wanderlust these past two weeks. I went to Utah to visit my father, and it was an okay experience. He was mostly under the influence of something while I was there. Now, i'm not going to be a hypocrite and totally bash using weed and alcohol to feel good for a little while, but this was an every evening event for him. He was using it to mask pain, I think. His girlfriend and him were fighting a bunch and he was just trying to escape reality for a bit. But even previously, when he wasn't with this chick, I heard the exact same thing I experienced. I got home an alternative to what he had promised and what was planned. A flight, yes, was the way I was supposed to get home. It didn't happen. I knew in the back of my mind it wasn't because something always goes wrong somehow or another. I ended up taking a Greyhound bus. It wasn't the worst experience because I got to see and meet new people. I went to places I had never gone before and I saw a bit of the country. Again. When I went to Utah with dad, we went on I-40 most of the way home. We went through the Appalachian Mountains into Tennessee to Dyersburg to see my cousin Kelsey, and then went through a little of Missouri into Arkansas and that led us onto I-40. Dad and his girl fought a LOT the whole way there. Then, to my non-surprise, they fought even more when we got there to their house. On the way home on the Greyhound, I took the bus from Salt Lake City to Denver, Colorado. In Salt Lake a guy named KC told me I should get in line or I would have last pick of the seats and it wouldn't be good, so I did, and he said he would carry my seventy pound bag on if I carried his carry ons. So I did. And we sat together. He gave me a blanket and let me stretch out on him when I got numb and cramped. He told me a bit about his life, and showed me a video of his daughter. A very beautiful little girl. He told me things and I told him things. It was pleasant. He was really funny. I also met a guy named Cody. He was headed into Chicago to see his brother. When we got to Denver he got the news that his brother had shot himself. It didn't help that he was on the same bus as I was to Saint Louis and he would also have to wait nine hours. I didn't see him again after that.  I was supposed to be on the bus at around eight am but it was late by an hour and a half. So there was a nine hour layover I had to endure. After I got over it and realized that hey, this was probably going to happen like it or not, I got over it and put on my big girl pants. I mellowed out and found a friend to talk to. Luke. He was my age, even though he didn't look like it. I made a bunch of Star Wars jokes. He was going into Kansas and this was his last bus. I was so jealous of him, but it did no good. After I just stopped counting how many buses I had left, the time passed a bit quicker. Denver was the only city I had a layover in. The rest were just get off the bus and get on the bus. I liked it like that. While I was in Denver, the people at the bus terminal gave me a voucher for lunch. A sandwich, chips and a pop. The sandwich made me sick, and after about ten plus trips to the ladies room, Luke asked me if I saw any good eateries upon entering Denver and I said no, but I would google it for him. He found a Quiznos near the terminal and asked me if I wanted to walk with him downtown. I said sure, because nine hours is nine hours, and I didn't want to sit there and do nothing for nine hours. I took some pictures on the way there because it was beautiful city scenery. I'm not used to city scenery and It was just so lovely. We couldn't find the Quiznos but we found a pannini cafe and decided to eat there. Still being sick, I just had a chai and he ordered a pannini. We talked about our homes and our lives and I asked him if he actually liked Star Wars. He said that he did and told me there will be three more episodes that disney is going to film. It upsets me that George Lucas sold his life away to Disney, but oh well. To each his own.  After lunch, we went walking and it was freezing. Not even the hot chai could warm my hands up. We decided to cut the walk short and just head back to the terminal to chill. When I got inside I realized the true meaning to windburn. Sorry, Chicago, but Denver has you beat! Finally the bus was on time and after that the time just passed so quickly. Cody gave me a set of headphones on the Salt Lake to Denver bus and I listened to music most of the time. I couldn't sleep very well. After Luke got off the bus at around one am I had the seat to myself. (: It's so good to be home. I don't think i'll ever take a Greyhound unless i'm with someone else. But then again..that doesn't sound like a very promising thing to say either. -Morgan

Hello! I'm Morgan. 20. From the Southeast. This blog is where I write about how I feel, adventures I take, and things I care about. These are the thoughts and words of an eccentric being.

candles.the vampire diaries.web/graphic design.magazines.Pinterest, Facebook, & WeHeartIt Hoar.Baking.Music.

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